Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Sleeping Beauty

Sleep is of utmost importance to Claudia. I remembered having a hard time putting Evan to bed in the past, be it afternoon nap or night. But it is super duper easy for Claudia, she can even fall asleep while watching tv, this is something that has never happen to Evan!!

As she grows, I no longer make it a must for her to take afternoon nap... But on days when she skips it, she will voluntarily go to bed on her own at 7+ with her milk alone... Her longest record of sleep is 430pm to 830am the next day!!! 

Yes I managed to convince her to cut her hair short!!! She used to be very protective of her hair, she does not allow anyone to cut her hair except the fringe.... But now she enjoys having short hair....

I missed blogging about her 4th birthday, I am so sorry.... She is outgrowing the terrible 3 stage, becoming more reasonable and manageable now... She can write her alphabets, numbers and chinese name without help now...

She is very close to Evan who pampers her more than Mummy... He loves, he protects, he shares, he looks after her very much.... 

I love to see them walk hand in hand!!!

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